About Palm Sunday
Palm Sunday is the fictional account of a private agency that is secretly monitoring the Internet. They are culling massive amounts of data from the private communications of ordinary people, without their knowledge. They do this by tapping into the underlying infrastructure of the Internet.
Their intent is to create a "societal profile", a snapshot of what Americans are concerned enough to be communicating about. Originally intended as a mechanism to predict when the United States might be in peril of losing its place of preeminence, the process has been subjugated to the whims of a power hungry leader with his own peculiar agenda.
When a ten-year-old boy finds a hand-held computer and brings it home, it opens a window into the clandestine activities of the secretive agency.
Excerpt of Palm Sunday
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About the Author
Bill lives in northwestern Pennsylvania with his family and pets. He is an Edinboro University of Pennsylvania alumnus, with a Bachelor's degree in Russian Language and many years of experience as a computer programmer. He is now retired and writes full time, weather permitting.

He has written several books, numerous articles, and also designs Android apps.
In 2008 he won an IPPY award (humor) for The Official Guide to Office Wellness.
Of writing, Bill says organization is important. One day he hopes to attain this, but until then he will either wing it, or outline with a passion.
Probably both.
On writing Palm Sunday, Bill was inspired when he found someone's lost smart phone. In the quest to find its owner, he found the seed of an idea for a novel.
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